Sunday, October 29, 2006
Was talking about finding jobs... yea~ I`ve got myself a job thru my friend. So now currently working as some data entry type of things... the working hours is like 8.30am to 6pm quite long but time passes real fast. Then every thursday and friday will be abit more tiring cause after that need to rush for my lesson at 7pm, luckily there is a stright bus and it's quite near my study place too so still not that bad~ I feel that with a job at least I can support myself and training my limits, I can say it is not easy to work full time and study at the same time. I shall test my own limits and see how far it can go, sometimes one has to fight in order to survive in different kinds of situation...
I`ve watchED "DeathNote".... very nice indeed... jap shows indeed live up to thier standard.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Just came back from my class... well today there are 4 more new faces but 3 of them is like working already only 1 younger than me who is 21 yrs old. Those 2 people I are already in the IT line so this lesson today is somehow like abit too easy for them lar... but for me it's like still okie manage to catch what the lecturer is talking, but still need some time to absorb... Arrgghhh just feeling so lousy... feeling like why I so many things also dunno de... But nvm... I`ll go home and read n read n read...expose myself more... think I wun be playing PKO so often liaoz... need to concentrate more on my studies!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Two days ago which was monday, went to celebrate my mom's birthday, overall was quite happy lar cause can eat alot of things and after that reach home still eat the cake, was feeling so full for that day.
Yesterday finally I went jogging, heng the PSI was below 50 so still not bad the air... Only jog nearly 2km then today leg feeling abit ache liao, so useless arrrr.... dunno how I manage to run 21km during the half marathon last time... Anyway, I like jogging because whenever I jog I can think about lots of things, anything under the sun that I can think of and it feels good to sweat~
Very fast tmr will be thursday le... need to attend class again, hope this time not only me 1 person lar, at least afew more ppl mah...or afew babes I also dun mind lar... but I wun promise I`ll concentrate if thats the case lol...
Monday, October 23, 2006
Its like 2am liao and I`m still feeling not that sleepy...awwww... my body clock has mis-tuned... cannot let it happen, this week I`m going to tune it back... just like my guitar so fine tuned lol... tmr is mum's birthday and my family are going to some hotel in balastier to eat steamboat... it's vegeterian de steamboat... It's very healthy lol...
Hm... my exam date is coming in around 2 weeks time and roughly I`ve finish reading my course book liaoz... It's like around 700 pages, but I manage to complete it ^^ This coming week I`m going to do all those questions related to my exams... already downloaded some sample questions they will to study quite hard cause this is an exam by microsoft and above 75% is consider a pass.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Was exploring my "itunes" so decide to list down my top 10 fav song in my IPod Mini...
1st. on my list goes to.......... “大城小爱” - Lee Hom, has been played 16 times. (I know the count is very miserable, cause I got around 500+ songs in my ipod so.....)
2nd. goes to Rainie - “可爱” also has been played 16 times same as number 1... like this song alot~
3rd. is F.I.R - "你很愛他" probably one of the best love song in their recent album... like the lyric~
4th. Li Sheng Jie - "很想说" another nice ballard churn out by sam...
5th. Tank - "给我你的爱" like the MTV, like the way tank sing this song....just love it!
6th. J.J Lin - "原来" actually every ballard by JJ is nice but this one stands out.
7th. Rainie - "左边" another song by rainie.... >_<
8th. Li Sheng Jie - "听,我爱你" love song by sam are hard to resist u
9th. Rainie - "遇上爱" yey... looks like rainie is the winner in my mini chart hahaha.....
10th. S.H.E - "天灰" like this song also because of the MTV, it is really very touching... sob sob...
Hm...strange huh... how come my chart dun have any jrock song.... I myself also dunno lol...maybe because I always practise my guitar using jrock so when normally I`m listening to my ipod I dun play them... Anyway, the highest ranking jrock song in my list was from Dir En Grey - "The Final" one song that I always feel like listening to... See my own chart I feel that I`m very cheena cause dun have any english songs in it and abit gay boy cause all the song like love love de... eeeeeeeee... how come like this!!!!!! But this shows I do have a soft side in me :p
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
OMG.... I tio Tag by Char....*bang*
Quiz 1:
1. single or taken?
- Single
2. are you happy with your life now?
- Quite :p
3. when you meet the right person,will you fall in love with him immediately?
- Of course, and plan to get married too.
4. Have you ever had your heart broken?
- Very broke indeed...
5. do you believe that under some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
- Those that cheat love shall perish.
6. Would you take someone back if she cheats on you?
- Did that once and never thought of doing it again!
7. If someone likes you now,what's the best way to let you know her feelings?
- Tell me right in my face lol...
8. do you enjoy getting into a relationship?
- Yes but I can do without it~
9. do you believe in love at first sight?
- Yes but it seldom work out well.
10. do you like romantic surprises?
- Yea...but dun be too suprise...
11. do you believe you can change someone?
- Yes, but not the one I love.
12. if you could get married somewhere,where would it be?
- No idea~
13. do you have feelings for someone right now?
- not at the moment.
14. are you missing someone right now?
- who can I miss ... :p
Quiz 2:
qns : What is your status?
ans : Poor
qns : What were you doing 5 minutes ago?
ans : Cursing the one who tag me lol....
qns : What are your fave sports?
ans : Basketball
qns : Do you cry most of the time you have problems?
ans : Nope, when i do its a really big problem...
qns : Did you have a fight with sumone today?
ans: Online fighting monster yes...
qns : What are your fave subjects?
ans : Maths and Science... (I`ve 3 CCA during primary sch... basketball, badminton and maths and science.)
qns : Who cheers u up most in your life?
ans : MOstly my buddies...
qns : Do u like to chat?
ans : Not so....
qns : last chat?
ans : 15 Mins ago...I say I dun like to chat liao mah...dun force me hor
qns : Do you like to laugh?
ans : Yea...
qns : Last testi from? What's the testi about?
ans: Char... writing about me haha...
qns : Last text message from? What's about?
ans : My camp mate, he finally got his Pinky!
qns : Last food?
ans : Loacker mini (Napolitaner)
qns : Do you have an exam?
ans : Yea coming soon...
qns : Do you think people who like to study is a lot are nerds?
ans : No...they just dun like to play.
qns : What's your opinion about long distance relationship?
ans : Very tempting to 劈腿。
qns : About love at the first sight?
ans : Its like ONS
qns : Did you ever love sumone but he/she didnt like you?
ans : Yes...the one I love always did;t like me lol...
qns : Did you ever dump sumone?
ans : Yes... I have no choice.
qns : Have you ever taken a relationship with sumone u didn't love?
ans : No...Its unfair to her.
qns : Have you ever hurt sumone who u love so much?
ans : Yes...
qns : Do you like your school?
ans : Yes
qns : Do you have a new bestfriend?
ans :No, best friend stays...
qns : Do you have sumthing you must do right now?
ans : Yes.. Have my lunch!
Quiz 3:
K..this is abit unfair cause I have seen the ans so I`ve specially write down 13 names on pieces of paper and roll them into ball, same sizes and pick them by lots... here are my results:
4.Tao Wei
9.Boon Siong
13.Wei Feng
how did you meet no.10?
-Eric was one of my Poly best mate.
what would you do if you had never met no.1?
- My poly result will be worst, cause he has help me alot in our projects.
what would you do if 6 and 2 dated?
-Stacey and Jerial? cannot be...shes not Jerial's type.
have you seen no.4 cried?
- Nope, he did't shed a tear when his mum passed away... he was strong..
do you think no.10 is cute?
-Sometimes lol....
how did you get to know no.8?
- Thru sally in one of the channel outing lol...
would you ever go on a date with no.12?
- lol...not my kind
what's no.7 fave colour?
- Pink if I`m not wrong haha...
what would you do if no.6 expressed his/her love for you?
- I`ll watch brokeback with him...
fact about no.9.
-He likes chicken drum stick alot!!!
who is no,4 going out with?
- Dunno lol...
who is no.5 to you?
- a blur da jie
would you ever live with no.13?
- Dun dare to think...
is no.2 single?
-Yes, but currently at Australia dunno got found any anot.
what do you think about no.3?
- She is a nice girl to be with... very outgoing~
what's the best thing about no.8?
- She can brighten up my day
what do you like about no.11?
-His working attitude and his love for his gf.
fave memory with no.6?
- The clubbing
wah... i took around 1hr to finish all... Phew.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Just finished reading my stuff... arrr...the PSI is around 70 still so high... every morning when i wake up I thought I`m at the wrong side of the world... so hazy... bad air... poor health... low morale... affect mood... thats how powerful the hazy effect can be.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Above is my hunter!!! (Prefer to call him hunter than sharpshooter)
Went town just now cause mom's HP got some problem, so go to the service centre at wisma... Waited like nearly 1hr before my turn comes, sooo long ar...... after that went to eat my dinner. Then walk walk abit then go home rest... today did not much... flip thru afew pages of my book and look look abit. hunter finally change class liao... thanks to sally for helping me :p staying up tonight to watch england vs croatia... result? 1-1 always dissapoint me, sad to say...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
The haze is back AGAIN..... it was damn terrible yesterday the air... went town with tao to shop for some clothes but I never buy lar, no work liao still keep phyco me buy things... so anyway I reach orchard mrt station liao but cannot find tao so I was just about to call him when a guy approach me and give me his name card, he was from some modeling company lar... then ask me interested in doing some things related to modeling anot cause he say I got a sporty look, I noe I`m 阳光男孩 but I`m really not interested in this kind of things loe... and I think he also cock eye lar choose me... his company looks familiar cause last 2 weeks ago when I go town with feng, got a girl also ask me to go down to thier modeling agency, they are from the same company 1 loe... to prevent any survey ppl from disturbing me I already sit at the middle height of the staircase to wait for feng... but this girl so "on" climb up the stairs to ask me... she ask for my details but I only gave her my name & e-mail add cause really not interested mah.... but anyway yesterday go walk walk saw some nice clothes lar... but have to wait cause now cannot anyhow spend till I`ve found a job... got to go for dinner liao... hungry... x_X
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Dunno why but everytime after I`ve bath I feel like blogging lol... anyway... this few days did some very routine things.
My class currently got a small break till nov, so now preparing for my acedemic test which is in nov. Everyday also got study abit 1-2hrs lar... I think very little cause I spend more time playing games lol... cause recently hook up a game call pirateknight online. This game is actually quite new so I`ve decided to give it a try, the gameplay and charecter is quite cute I can say... so now everyday also training on my charecter. Then train till like about midnight got so many nice taiwanese show on scv...then watch watch abit till around 3am then sleep... Life really changes after ord lol... the only thing I`m scared is my fitness lar... never go run later cannot run already... my brain always say later want to go running but later lazy never go again... arrgghh hate my brain.
Thats all... dinner time!